Music Finds Ways To Thrive During Covid
How and why do artists do what they do? Is it for the money? Fame? The unlimited supply of green m&m's? Well, it might be a combination of all of these things. However, in times of crisis, like the one we are all currently experiencing, artists, have been known to tap into a deeper zeitgeist that has become the here and now. This time its one which involves reflection, authenticity, and a questioning of the status quo.
For many musicians, the existential crises and epiphanies go hand in hand. And while this time in human history has been riddled with tragedy, cruelty, and unjustified heartache, it's also been a time for everyone to take stock in asking the question, "How can I become my highest self?"
And artists all over the world have been quite vocal in answering this. For musicians specifically, it remains to be seen when, where, and how they will return to their worlds of live performance, but the act of creating new music is surely seeing a new renaissance. While it may not be a source of lucrative monetization, it is one that brings a deep fulfillment.
So the next time you see your favorite musician going live on Instagram, maybe stop the scroll for just a few moments and take a listen to what they have to share. It might just become the new soundtrack to your life.